Modern Slave's Chained Feet

The Painful Truth Behind Modern Slavery

WHO KNEW? While few people intentionally purchase products involving enslavement and exploitation of workers, the harsh reality is our global supply chain relies on 40.3 million victims trapped in slavery.

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Truth Grows

truthgrows.com will help you learn how to tell what’s real, what’s fake, who’s true, who’s not. Learn to build:

  • Solid decision-making skills
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Feel truth grow in you, as you think and speak it.
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Trendy Truths

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Taylor Mali

What’s Happened to Our Convictions?

Declarative sentences used to declare things to be true, as opposed to other things that are, “like totally,” not”? What has happened to our convictions on what is true and what is not?

Modern Slave's Chained Feet

The Painful Truth Behind Modern Slavery

WHO KNEW? While few people intentionally purchase products involving enslavement and exploitation of workers, the harsh reality is our global supply chain relies on 40.3 million victims trapped in slavery.

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Formula Wrong

In the search for truth, the question of provenance is basic yet crucial. As talk of autonomous AI dominates the news, the glaring error of one magazine shows the extent to which technology is still dependent on human beings and their very human faults.

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person holding camera lens in focus of a vista

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There is a “surface area” of life. We rarely realize how much it consumes. Maximize your enjoyment of what’s real and true by keeping your “surface area” small.

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Want More Truth? Focus.

There is a “surface area” of life. We rarely realize how much it consumes. Maximize your enjoyment of what’s real and true by keeping your “surface area” small.

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Taylor Mali

What’s Happened to Our Convictions?

Declarative sentences used to declare things to be true, as opposed to other things that are, “like totally,” not”? What has happened to our convictions on what is true and what is not?

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