Grow Truth

Taylor Mali

What’s Happened to Our Convictions?

Declarative sentences used to declare things to be true, as opposed to other things that are, “like totally,” not”? What has happened to our convictions on what is true and what is not?

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Douglas Murray accepting the Warrior for Truth Award

Warrior for Truth Award

Jihadists always use the phrase, “We love death more than you love life.” How can we face down such an enemy? The answer is to say, “There is nothing wrong loving life this much. If you wish to worship death, be our guest, we may even help you. But we will not apologize for loving life and fighting for life.”

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Malcolm Gladwell on Truth and Lies

Truth-Default Theory

First, we believe. Afterwards, we doubt, analyze, verify. “Truth-Default Theory” studies this natural habit and its dangerous pitfalls. Learn ways to rise above it.

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person holding camera lens in focus of a vista

Want More Truth? Focus.

There is a “surface area” of life. We rarely realize how much it consumes. Maximize your enjoyment of what’s real and true by keeping your “surface area” small.

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man in black jacket and blue denim jeans standing on gray rock mountain under blue sky

Want an Immense Adventure? Say Only the Truth.

We often say what we need to say to get the outcome we desire. This motivates lying. Dr. Peterson shares the great adventure in saying the truth and nothing else. Truth reveals the world the way its intended, bringing on the best possible reality.

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Taylor Mali

What’s Happened to Our Convictions?

Declarative sentences used to declare things to be true, as opposed to other things that are, “like totally,” not”? What has happened to our convictions on what is true and what is not?

Douglas Murray accepting the Warrior for Truth Award

Warrior for Truth Award

Jihadists always use the phrase, “We love death more than you love life.” How can we face down such an enemy? The answer is to say, “There is nothing wrong loving life this much. If you wish to worship death, be our guest, we may even help you. But we will not apologize for loving life and fighting for life.”

Malcolm Gladwell on Truth and Lies

Truth-Default Theory

First, we believe. Afterwards, we doubt, analyze, verify. “Truth-Default Theory” studies this natural habit and its dangerous pitfalls. Learn ways to rise above it.

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