Want More Truth? Focus.

There is a "surface area" of life. We rarely realize how much it consumes. Maximize your enjoyment of what's real and true by keeping your "surface area" small.
person holding camera lens in focus of a vista

As a rule, the larger your surface area, the more energy you have to expend maintaining it. Of course, when most of us think of surface area, we think of the area of a rectangle or how much grass we have to mow. But there is a surface area of life, and most of us never realize how much it consumes.

If you have one house, you have a relatively small surface area to maintain (depending on the age and size of the house, of course). If you buy another one, your surface area expands. But it doesn’t expand linearly – it expands slightly above that. It’s all the same work plus more.

Friends are another type of surface area. You have a finite amount of time to spend with friends before you die. The more friends you have, the less time you can spend with each one individually.

Money is another form of surface area. The more money you have, the more you have to keep track of different types of assets and investments.

When your surface area expands too much, you hire people to help you scale. Assistants, property managers, family offices, etc. They’re scaling you – but they’re also scaling the surface area of responsibility. This, of course, only masks the rapidly expanding surface area by abstracting it.

Beliefs are another type of surface area.

The thing about surface area is that the more you have, the more you have to defend and maintain. The larger your surface area, the more you are burdened with mentally and physically.

If you think in terms of surface area, it’s easy to see why we are so anxious, stressed, and constantly behind.

We feel like we need more time, but what we’re craving is more focus. What we need is a smaller surface area.

Your surface area becomes part of your identity. She’s the ‘busy person’ with her hand in every project. He’s the guy with four houses.

Competition can drive expansion. Most people want a bigger house to compete with someone else who has a nicer house. We are animals, after all. On a group level, this causes great benefits. On an individual level, it can cause unhappiness.

Most of the really happy people I know have a relatively small surface area. I know billionaires with two houses. Most of my close friends only have 4-5 close friends – everyone else is a friend in the loose sense of the word. Most of the productive people I know at work are focused on one or two things, not 5.

The way to maximize your enjoyment in life is to keep your surface area small. It’s a lot of work but if the happiest people I know are any indication, it’s a lot less work to keep it small than to maintain it when it’s large.

These are the words of Shaine from Farnum Street, otherwise known as The Knowledge Project.

Truths are another type of surface area. The more you know, the more you control. Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge because the snake promised them that the day that they did, they will know all good and evil and be like God, knowing everything, and thus in control of everything. Here’s the catch. Our surface area is small. It’s limited. The brain with its one trillion connections may be the most complex design in the universe, which is something to feel big about. At the same time, try Googling, “How many stars in the universe?” You’ll get 200 billion-trillion. That’s 200 billion stars for every connection in your brain. In that regard, our brain is smaller than tiny. Our surface area for thinking and knowing truths, for controlling the universe around us, is ridiculously miniscule. THAT IS HUMBLING! So the most powerful measure of one’s surface area for truth is their level of humility. The more humble, the more accurate will be one’s sense of how much truth they have truly mastered.

The way to maximize your enjoyment of truth is to keep your surface area small. Be amazed at what you know, while learning everything all the time from everyone. That will take you on the ultimate adventure in life.

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B. Berger

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