Truth Grows

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How Truth Grows

Utopia is the best of all worlds, a garden of Eden. Everyone is loving, decides wisely and every word spoken is true. That is what makes it Utopia.
Forest of Truth

Utopia is the best of all worlds, a garden of Eden. Everyone is loving, decides wisely and every word spoken is true. That is what makes it Utopia.

Even people who call themselves honest know how hard it is to always say the truth. But when we simply try our best, we truly grow inside, while helping build Utopia outside.

In today’s world of fake news and conflicting values, getting at the truth is worth the effort it takes. Ultimately, what else lasts? Just think: 2+2=4 will still be true even after our sun dies and our universe reaches maximum entropy. Even when there’s nothing else, there’s truth. Our world’s truths are the ultimate natural resource, inexhaustible and eternal.

In the long run, there is no greater source of power within us.

While the world around us gives us good reasons to love what’s fake, choose what’s false, chase lies and dream fantasies, nothing is more real and pleasurable than growing towards the truth by thinking and saying what’s true. When people realize that, when people just use their energies to think and say what’s true, that is how truth grows.

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Picture of B. Berger

B. Berger

Truth Grows will help you learn how to tell what’s real, what’s fake, who’s true, who’s not. Learn to build:

  • Solid decision-making skills
  • Long-lasting relationships 
  • A strong, integrated self
  • A trust-filled, abundant, safe & brilliant world.

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