Architecture of Truth

person holding camera lens in focus of a vista

Want More Truth? Focus.

There is a “surface area” of life. We rarely realize how much it consumes. Maximize your enjoyment of what’s real and true by keeping your “surface area” small.

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artificial intelligence, robot, ai

Formula Wrong

In the search for truth, the question of provenance is basic yet crucial. As talk of autonomous AI dominates the news, the glaring error of one magazine shows the extent to which technology is still dependent on human beings and their very human faults.

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the sun is setting over a mountain range

Life Without Truth is Hell

In this eight-minute excerpt, Peterson expands on the deeply adventurous side of living a truthful life. “The thing about telling the truth that’s so adventurous, is that you let go of what you want. And you replace it with a hypothesis, it’s the hypothesis of faith. (…) If I tell the truth as carefully as I can, then, whatever happens, is the best that could have possibly happened in that situation.”

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woman, face, hero

Growing Wisdom with Gratitude

Psychology professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson criticizes the modern emphasize on ‘self-esteem’ of social psychologists. The message should be more about living up to your potential, especially for young people.

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Who Needs Truth?

Who Needs Truth?

If news can be fake and facts have alternatives, how are we to know what’s true anymore? Does a post-truth politics tilt toward tyranny? Join the Aspen Institute and The Cooper Union in association with The Public Theater’s Public Forum for an event featuring Harvard Political Philosopher Michael Sandel leading a debate on the truth in our society.

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What’s Happened to Our Convictions?

Declarative sentences used to declare things to be true, as opposed to other things that are, “like totally,” not”? What has happened to our convictions on what is true and what is not?

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Warrior for Truth Award

Jihadists always use the phrase, “We love death more than you love life.” How can we face down such an enemy? The answer is to say, “There is nothing wrong loving life this much. If you wish to worship death, be our guest, we may even help you. But we will not apologize for loving life and fighting for life.”

Malcolm Gladwell on Truth and Lies

Truth-Default Theory

First, we believe. Afterwards, we doubt, analyze, verify. “Truth-Default Theory” studies this natural habit and its dangerous pitfalls. Learn ways to rise above it.

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