Vegetarians & Strokes
FOOD TRUTHS: Is a vegetarian’s brain more stroke-risky or stroke-protected?
FOOD TRUTHS: Is a vegetarian’s brain more stroke-risky or stroke-protected?
VIDEO+TRANSCRIPT: What are the best food sources of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
In the search for truth, the question of provenance is basic yet crucial. As talk of autonomous AI dominates the news, the glaring error of one magazine shows the extent to which technology is still dependent on human beings and their very human faults.
Why may those who consume meat have up to three times the risk of developing dementia compared with vegetarians? AGEs may be one explanation.
18 diet studies showed the Mediterranean Diet improved cognition and fought Alzheimer’s in countries around the world. No matter what your age, see why the Mediterranean Diet can help keep your brain healthy.
DIET: How the meat and dairy industries design studies showing their products have neutral or even beneficial effects on cholesterol and inflammation.
Truth in court often gets lost amid a flood of text, photo and video evidence. The Evidencentral platform helps judges unlock the truth from digital evidence. The result? Fair and timely justice for victims, defendants and communities.
Freedom of Information Act documents reveal the U.S. Department of Agriculture had quite an entertaining struggle with the egg industry, to get them to stick to the truth about an egg’s safety and nutrition.
Why does the meat industry add salt to its products when millions of lives are at stake?
Learn how your true strength lies in expressing the truth of the situation as clearly as possible.
Declarative sentences used to declare things to be true, as opposed to other things that are, “like totally,” not”? What has happened to our convictions on what is true and what is not?
Jihadists always use the phrase, “We love death more than you love life.” How can we face down such an enemy? The answer is to say, “There is nothing wrong loving life this much. If you wish to worship death, be our guest, we may even help you. But we will not apologize for loving life and fighting for life.”
First, we believe. Afterwards, we doubt, analyze, verify. “Truth-Default Theory” studies this natural habit and its dangerous pitfalls. Learn ways to rise above it.
The best learning is going to happen where the students have the greatest trust in their teachers. Nathan is a great example.
WHO KNEW? While few people intentionally purchase products involving enslavement and exploitation of workers, the harsh reality is our global supply chain relies on 40.3 million victims trapped in slavery.
VIDEO+TRANSCRIPT: What are the best food sources of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
SHORT COMEDY: One determined math teacher takes on post-truth America.
Why may those who consume meat have up to three times the risk of developing dementia compared with vegetarians? AGEs may be one explanation.
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