Hard Decisions vs. The Power of Good Habits

Man Balancing on Peak
Deciding "I'm not going to eat dessert" is much harder than it should be. But if your rule is, "I don't eat dessert" that temptation is no longer there. Learn more about the power of self-rule with good habits. (Video)

SHANE PARRISH WITH SENDHIL MULLAINATHAN: Decisions are hard and there’s a reason people do things to limit the decisions they make each day. They wear the same clothes, have the same thing for breakfast, drink the same type of coffee, and so on. After a long day of work, making dinner, and taking care of the kids–that dessert looks way better than it did before, so having to decide, “I’m not going to eat dessert” is much harder than it should be. But if your rule is, “I don’t eat dessert” that temptation is no longer there. Learn more about the power of self-rule with good habits.

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