Redemptive Mistakes Move You Forward

Learn From Failure
A redemptive mistake is a mistake that teaches and improves a person trying something new. By going where you haven't been, despite the fresh mistakes you may make, you learn & move forward. See how. (Video+Article)
People are a lot more unhappy, when they look back on their lives, about the things they didn’t do than they are about the mistakes they made while they were doing things.

You’re a fool when you start something new. And so, if you’re not willing to be a fool, then you’ll never start anything new. And if you never start anything new, then you won’t develop. And so the willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation.

That’s the same as humility. If you’re going to write your destiny, you can do a bad first job. You’re going to get smarter as you move forward.

Research literature suggests that people are a lot more unhappy, when they look back on their lives, about the things they didn’t do than they are about the mistakes they made while they were doing things. And so that’s really worth thinking about.

There’s redemptive mistakes. A redemptive mistake would be a mistake that you make when you go out and try to do something. You think, ok, I’m going to try to do this, and you’re not good at it. You make a bunch of mistakes. What’s the consequence, if you pay attention? You’ve been informed by the results of your errors. You become illuminated and enlightened and informed because of the nature of your experience, and because you’re pushing yourself beyond where you are; you’re going into the country that you have not yet been in. You learn something. You move forward.

  • Edited by Bearsella
  • Music in this video
  • Song: Intermezzo
  • Artist: Levi Stills
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