What’s Truly Real?

What's Truly Real?
What is really real? What do you think is real? Pondering the difference may be philosophy's most daunting pursuit. How could you ever know the difference? Fortunately, our world provides some helpful guides for this journey. Join Hank's "Crash Course" in exploring Plato's "Myth of the Cave" and other sources of insight. (Video)
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Picture of B. Berger

B. Berger

Truth Grows

truthgrows.com will help you learn how to tell what’s real, what’s fake, who’s true, who’s not. Learn to build:

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person holding camera lens in focus of a vista
Want More Truth? Focus.
There is a "surface area" of life. We rarely realize how much it consumes. Maximize your enjoyment of what's real and...
Structure of a Brain
Our Brain Structure is Designed to Figure Out What's True
If you're trying to determine if something is true, the effort should manifest itself in the evolutionary, neurologic...
The word "TRUTH" on white ceramic cup with cappuccino
Truth Manifests What's Best [20 seconds]
Whatever makes itself manifest as a consequence of the truth, is the best possible reality.


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