Be Brave & Tell Them the Truth

Maccabeats Singing "Brave"
BRAVE - MUSIC VIDEO: This is in support of anyone who's been too afraid, bullied or pressured to share the good truths within them. (Video)


Music video for “Brave,” originally performed by Sara Bareilles

Video by Uri Westrich
Special thanks to Sing for Hope and Chobani for their awesome pianos!
Bandcamp: iTunes:…
This and all Maccabeats music is recorded a cappella.


You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love
Or you can start speaking up.

Nothings gonna hurt you the way that words and they settle `neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes the shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you want to say
And let the words fall out
I want to see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
I want to see you be brave

I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I want to see you be brave
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I want to see you be brave

Everybody’s been there
Everybody’s been stared down by the enemy
Falling for the fear and done some disappearin’
Bow down to the mighty
Don’t run
Stop holding your tongue

Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me
How big your brave is

Say what you want to say
And let the words fall out
I want to see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
I want to see you be brave

And since your history of silence won’t do you any good
Did you think it would?
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don’t you tell them the truth?

Say what you want to say
And let the words fall out
I want to see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out

I want to see you be brave
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I want to see you be brave
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
See you be brave
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you.

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B. Berger

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